Ecosystem Modelling
Understanding how the ecosystems works in the Galapagos Marine Reserve
The study of the ecosystems dynamics is a very complex topic that requires a great investment of time and resources; however, it is possible to develop approaches to detect some aspects of their functioning, particularly related to the energy flux and health condition using biological and ecological proxies. Some species become excellent indicators and sentinels of the ecosystem health due to its conspicuous abundance and ecological role. In this sense, the top predators are recognized as excellent bioindicators of productivity changes and the functioning of the marine ecosystem in the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

In this context, the Ecopath approach with Ecosim allows the comprehensive analysis of the ecosystem by constructing equations that include the main biotic components of an ecosystem and its trophic interactions. The model allows simulating temporal and spatial scenarios to explore past and future impacts of fishing activities, environmental disturbances, and management strategies; and contributes to the implementation of the ecosystem approach to management and conservation.