Osteological Collections
The USFQ-GSC-DPNG collections are comprised for skulls of Galapagos pinnipeds born after the year 2000, for whom age at death and sex are known. Depending on the sample, other information, such as origin population, morphometric measures and photographs. The collections may not necessarily include complete skulls. Our osteological collection is a source of information for researchers and students. This collection continually updated with new information, currently contains approximately 600 specimens (skulls and post-cranial skeletons) from Galapagos sea lion, Galapagos fur seal and cetaceans. Specimens have been collected over the past 10 years on population projects, where censuses are carried out on land and collected skulls of dead animals found on beaches and rookeries at Galapagos archipelago. Our osteology Collection also houses vast numbers of teeth from sea lions and fur seals. The majority of these teeth were initially collected for aging, but many have been used in recent years in stable isotope, nursing and growth layer growth index studies.